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来自 : dict.cn/consider 发布时间:2021-03-24
She paused a moment to consider.
她停下来考虑了一会儿。 The council will consider tomorrow.
理事会明天将进行磋商。 Consider carefully before doing anything.
三思而后行。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron. I consider the purchase of a car.
我考虑买一辆汽车。 I want you to consider all the pros and cons.
我希望你们权衡一下一切利弊。 Have you considered both sides of the question?
你是否把问题的两个方面都考虑到了? Consider the consequence before you start doing it.
在动手做这件事之前,你要先考虑到它的后果。 He never considers others.
他从不为别人着想。 We should consider her youth.
我们应体谅她的年轻。 We should consider her age.
我们应当顾及到她的年纪。 You must consider the feelings of other people.
你必须顾及他人的感情。 Have you considered the fact that she is too old for the job?
你是否考虑到她年纪太大了,不适合做这项工作? The stone is very light when we consider its size.
就这块石头的大小而言,它算很轻了。 He is greatly considered by his colleagues.
他深受同事们的尊重。 S+~+wh-to- v We should consider what to do next.
我们应考虑下一步该怎么办。 They were considering when to hold the meeting.
他们在考虑什么时候举行会议。 We\'ve decided to move but are still considering where to go.
我们已经决定搬动但仍在考虑去何处。 S+~+ v -ing I first considered writing to him, but then decided to go and see him.
我起先考虑给他写信,但后来决定去看他。 We are considering building a library here.
我们正考虑在这里建座图书馆。 He was considering taking the bedside table downstairs.
他正考虑把床边的那张桌子搬到楼下。 S+~+(that-)clause I consider that he is a fool.
我认为他是傻瓜。 We consider that you are not to blame.
我们认为你不该受到责备。 I consider that she has been badly treated.
我认为她受到了虐待。 If you consider she\'s only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well!
考虑到她只学了一年英语,她的英语算是讲得不错了。 S+~+wh-clause We must consider what\'s to be done.
我们必须考虑该怎么办。 She began to consider what use could be made of it.
她开始考虑怎样对它加以利用。 I must consider how he will feel.
我必须考虑他将会怎么想。 Have you considered how you could achieve your purpose?
你考虑过如何才能达到你的目的吗? Consider how serious your condition is.
想一想你的处境是多么严峻。 This watch runs well if you consider how old it is.
考虑到这只表已经用了这么多年,可以说它走得很好了。 He considered whether he should do it.
他考虑是否该做它。 They\'ll have to consider whether they can afford it or not.
他们将不得不考虑他们是否有条件这么做。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +(to be/as) n./adj. You surely can\'t consider him to be a selfish man.
你不能把他看成是个自私的人。 They consider him to be nothing but an impostor.
他们认为他不过是个骗子而已。 I considered Rose as a good assistant.
我认为露丝是一个好助手。 Dade considers music as a very innocent diversion.
达德认为音乐是一种高尚的娱乐。 I consider him a genius.
我认为他是个天才。 We consider him a clever fellow.
我们认为他是个聪明的人。 She considered herself a superb tennis player.
她认为她自己是超级网球手。 They considered it their duty.
他们认为这是他们的责任。 All the critics considered the book a masterpiece.
所有评论家都认为这本书是一部杰作。 They always considered themselves to be very important.
他们总以为自己很了不起。 They considered themselves to be superior to coloured people.
他们自认为比有色人种优越。 We consider only such slogans to be correct.
我们认为只有这样的口号才是正确的。 They considered the house to be very nice.
他们认为那房子很好。 We consider them to have been foolish.
我们认为他们的作为很愚蠢。 They considered it as beautiful.
他们认为这很美。 He considered my opinion as valuable as hers.
他认为我的意见和她的意见一样宝贵。 I consider myself fortunate in being here with you.
能和你们在一起,我感到很幸运。 The teacher considered my explanation not reasonable.
老师认为我的解释不合情理。 I consider what he said unimportant.
我认为他说的不重要。 I consider it sufficient.
我认为这就够了。 He was considered to be a model teacher.
他被认为是模范教师。 He will be considered a weak leader.
他会被看作是一个软弱的领导人。 Paris is considered the brain and heart of France.
巴黎被看作是法国的头脑与心脏。 This could not be considered a satisfactory solution.
这不能被认为是一个令人满意的解决办法。 He is considered untrustworthy.
他被认为是靠不住的。 Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man.
布鲁克斯可以被认为是一个可靠的人。 S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) prep. -phrase They always consider themselves in the right.
他们总认为自己对。 They didn\'t consider the piece up to the standard.
他们认为这个工作不合格。 A can like this is considered below standard.
这样的罐头认为是不合格的。 The treaty is still considered in force.
这个条约人们认为还继续有效。 It\'s considered of great value in traditional medicine.
中医认为它是很贵重的材料。 What he said is considered of great importance.
人们认为他所说的十分重要。 S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing I should consider myself failing in duty if I didn\'t take immediate action.
假如我不立即采取行动,我会认为自己失职。 S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed The Emperor didn\'t consider himself cheated.
皇帝不认为自己上了当。 Everyone considered it greatly improved.
大家都认为它有很大改进。 I consider the matter settled.
我认为这件事解决了。 These black workers are considered underpaid.
大家都认为这些黑人工人工资过低。 S+~+ n./pron. +to have v -ed We all consider him to have acted disgracefully.
我们都认为他的行为很不光彩。 We consider them to have been foolish.
我们认为他们的行为很愚蠢。 Imes was considered to have passed the driving test.
人们认为艾姆斯已经通过了驾驶考试。 S+~+it+ n./adj. +to- v I consider it the greatest honour to have been permitted to study your method of working.
我认为被允许学习你的工作方法是最大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honour to be here this evening.
我把今晚能参加这个会看作是很大的荣幸。 She considers it time to go.
她认为该走了。 They considered it not advisable to act that way.
他们认为那样做是不可取的。 We don\'t consider it possible to set back the clock of history.
我们认为让历史倒转是不可能的。 Do you consider it better not to go?
你觉得不去好些吗? S+~+it+ n./adj. + v -ing I consider it useless discussing the matter with them.
我认为和他们讨论这件事没有用。 He did not consider it worthwhile spending a lot of time on paperback thrillers.
他认为花大量时间读惊险小说是不值得的。 S+~+it+ n./adj. +that-clause She considered it important that everything should be finished by eight.
她认为在8点以前把所有的事情完成很重要。 S+~+it+ prep. -phrase+to- v She considered it beyond her power to help me.
她认为她无力帮助我。 v -ed as Attrib. It\'s my considered opinion that you should resign.
经过考虑后,我认为你应该辞职。 v -ed as Adverb. All things considered, it is a good plan.
从全面考虑,这个计划是好的。 v -ing as prep. Considering the signs he showed of genuine repentance, we shall deal leniently with him.

本文链接: http://considar.immuno-online.com/view-702300.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)